Addiction to drugs or alcohol can harm your interpersonal relationships. Repairing relationships in recovery, whether with friends, family, or a spouse/partner, can be a long and tough journey. However, it’s an essential component of the journey to staying sober.
Many people experience deterioration in their closest interpersonal connections while actively using narcotics. This is because the behavioural issues that accompany addiction frequently involve relationship-destroying behaviours. A person addicted to drugs would frequently go to any length to obtain their drug of choice.
These practices strain relationships and undermine trust. Rebuilding connections after addiction is achievable, but only with the correct kind of assistance and mindset.
Steps to Take When Repairing Relationships in Recovery
People battling drug addiction require professional assistance to learn how to lead sober lifestyles and function without their preferred drug.
The consequences of things that happened while under the influence of drugs or alcohol do not disappear once sobriety has been achieved, but with a clear mind they turn from insurmountable problems to attainable goals. Although life may have felt out of control when caught up in the addiction cycle, personal friendships, families, and intimate relationships still should be salvaged where possible. It may not be a straight road to repairing relationships after rehab, but with a few detours and a little patience, your destination may still be reachable. Here are some of the landmarks on the path to restoring relationships in rehabilitation:
- Reach Out
- Be Patient
- Be Honest
- Set Goals
- Apologize
- Don’t Dwell
- Be Accepting
Don’t Be Afraid of Reaching Out
If you want to rebuild a relationship with someone, you should be the one to seek them out first. While this can be challenging, it demonstrates to your loved one that you are ready and prepared to work toward healing the damage your addiction has created.
Send an email or a letter if you’re unsure how someone close to you will react to a phone call or if you want time to think about what you want to say. Tell the person you are in addiction treatment or have finished it, as appropriate, when you are ready. Let them know you’re working on regaining control of your life and that you’d like them to join you.
Allow Them Time Before Reconnecting
The impulse to make amends can be overwhelming. Your friends and relatives, on the other hand, may not be in a position to help you.
Giving them space now, as unpleasant as it may feel, can allow them to heal. Those you love may be open to closer contact and, hopefully, healing broken relationships after you leave rehab if they perceive that you are working on making permanent changes.
During this time, family members may emotionally separate themselves. Family and friends may not immediately reach out to mend relationships, but stay patient and encouraged so that you are prepared for open communication if and when they do reach out.
It is critical to remember that restoring trust might take time. You must do everything you can while acknowledging that they may not be as responsive as you’d like, and sometimes that means to hurry up and be patient.
Keep Lines of Communication Open & Honest
Being honest is the best way to start over and repair relationships after rehab. Own up to and apologize for any mistakes and be open about how you want to proceed or what your goals are for your relationship.
Learning to share feelings with a focus on health and vitality is also important in rebuilding relationships in recovery. While using substances, it can be difficult to cope with feelings and experiences, as they are often meant to either dull or distract the mind; however, there are various possibilities in recovery to learn how to recognize triggering events and cope with them in a healthier and thriving way.
Don’t Dwell on Past Events or Mistakes
Recreating ties with those who have cut us off comes with vulnerability. It can be frightening to open up about your mistakes, and daunting to strive to do better, but the support from friends and family that is gained in return can make it much easier.
After past occurrences have been addressed, apologized for, and forgiven, draw a line over them. Accept that anything that has already occurred cannot be changed and that the way forward involves moving on from this point and making better decisions.
Understanding both sides of the story is essential for making atonement and restoring relationships. Communication and putting everything on the table are critical to making everyone feel heard and able to forgive and grow.
Some relationships after rehab simply cannot be repaired. Acknowledging that not all relationships can be recovered is crucial. Some damage is irreversible, not everyone is ready to forgive, and recognizing the repercussions of our actions is essential for growth.
Accept responsibility and let go of any hurt or betrayal. Seeking the assistance of a therapist or a 12-Step group may be beneficial in this process, providing you with a safe environment to practice accepting your ideas, feelings, and former behaviours while learning to move ahead in recovery.
Accept That Things Have Changed
Accepting that repairing relationships after rehab involves change is one hurdle we must face. Relationships change after addiction, and it’s alright if they grow into something new.
In recovery, new types of relationships are formed, as well as new trust. For example, parents frequently unintentionally enable their children, which must be addressed to prevent the relationship from deteriorating. Parents, friends, and relatives must relearn relationships and limits that will support the recovery of their loved ones rather than foster bad patterns.
To heal romantic relationships in recovery you must first feel whole as an individual. Being codependent and insecure in your love relationship can derail your recovery.
Friendship and family boundaries are vital and beneficial, and healthy boundaries and honesty can aid not just in healing relationships but in building healthy mental spaces and processes. Accept that things have and can improve when considering addiction recovery and relationships.
Continue to care for yourself and draw on your sober support system as you attempt to reconnect with people and build relationships after rehab while in recovery. So, if you’re ready to start reconnecting with family after treatment, contact one of Best Rehab’s centers today to discuss your options and create a long-term strategy to help you recover and rebuild your life with the people you care about the most.